Property for rent in San Marino
Whoever thinks of going to live in San Marino could think of being in an isolated microstate on Mount Titano and instead it is one of the most sought after places to buy, look for properties for rent, but also to work or start an activity.
The Republic of San Marino is very much in demand thanks to its advantageous tax regime, the high quality of life, security, the quality of health care that is free as well as education.
There are several requests for properties for rent in San Marino, especially from foreigners because it is easier to obtain residence and enter into contracts on a bureaucratic level.
The properties for rent that are located in San Marino are of different types: especially independent apartments and terraced houses.
The best areas to look for properties for rent in San Marino are the Borgo Maggiore Castle which has about 7000 inhabitants and it is the neighbourhood with the largest portfolio of properties for rent in San Marino.
The economy of this castle has 831 businesses and therefore also good chances to find work. The historic centre of Borgo Maggiore and the historic centre of the city of San Marino are UNESCO heritage sites.
Domagnano and Serravalle are also interesting . Serravalle Caste is well equipped in terms of services with schools and the health centre.